What is Auctions in Japan?

There are numerous auction houses across Japan specializing in all sorts of vehicles like cars, motorcycles, boats, and special equipment, used and new. Some of the well-known ones include USS, TAA, JAA, HAA, and CAA. These auction houses provide platforms for sellers (often including car dealerships, rental companies, and individuals) to auction off their vehicles to registered buyers.


Auctions are famous for their inspection of vehicles and machinery and the rules that everyone obeys.  Each vehicle has an auction list with essential information, defects and condition assessment. You can also look at the sales statistics to estimate the best price for you. In general, auction vehicles are cheaper than if you buy them from a stock car dealership or salon, and the quality can be even better. Read below to dive into the world of auctions and see what is what.

What types of auctions are there in Japan?

Auction Location Map - What can I see?

On this map, you can see the location of auction houses all over Japan. This can give you an idea of how far away from the port the vehicle you are buying is. You can also see the location of our office in relation to all auctions.

Auction Lists

For vehicles

For bikes

For special machinery


General Assessment

S – The vehicle is in almost new or brand new condition. The mileage of the vehicle is 10,000 km or less, the registration date is at least 1 year old

6 – An almost new car with a registration date of up to 3 years. The mileage varies up to 30,000 km. There may be almost invisible scratches

5 – Used car in excellent condition with up to 50,000 miles. There may be minor scratches or dents.

4.5 – Vehicle in good condition with mileage up to 100,000 km. There may be minor dents and scratches.

4 – A vehicle with a mileage of no more than 150,000 kilometers. There may be scratches and dents and other defects. The interior may contain non-critical defects.

3.5 – Most likely the presence of dents and scratches that can be seen with the bare eye. The interior may also contain torn seats, cigarette holes, stains.

3 – There may be clearly visible dents and scratches, rust, and corrosion. There may be noticeable imperfections inside, such as torn seats, stains throughout the interior, odor and cigarette holes. 

2 – Usually, these are cars in terrible condition.

1 – Flooded cars.

RA – Reconditioned car

R – Restored car after a serious accident

***/99/X – The vehicle, usually after a serious accident, has not been repaired

Inner Assessment

A – Good as new

B –  Interior in good condition

C – There may be small stains, cigarette holes.

D – The interior may have several cigarette marks, various stains, torn seats, and even odor.

E – Terrible condition of the interior

Outer Assessment

A – Excellent condition

B – There may be scratches of up to 15 cm

C – There may be scratches up to 30 cm and dents

D – Serious scratches, dents, rusts

E – The body is in a terrible state

Defects Assessment

A – Scratch

B – 

U – Dent (one big one, or several small ones) 

S – Rust

C –  Corrosion

P – Paint marks

W – Repair/Paint

E – Dent (several small ones)

X – Item requires replacement/Cracked windshield 

XX – Replaced element

R – Repaired windshield crack

G – Rock crack on windshield

RX – Repaired windshield crack (requires replacement)

Y – Crack

H – Paint deterioration

Other Information

AAC – Air Conditioner with Climate Control

AC – Air Conditioning

AB – Airbag

AW – Alloy Wheels

CA – Automatic Steering Wheel Transmission

F5/F6 – Manual Transmission

FA/AT – Automatic Transmission

NAVI – Navigator

PS – Power Steering

PW – Power Windows

SR – Sunroof

TV – Television

Auction Days


Honda Tokyo
Honda Kansai
Honda Nagoya
Honda Kyushu
Honda Sendai
Honda Hokkaido
JU Tokyo

CAA Tokyo
CAA Gifu
CAA Tohoku
TAA Kinki
TAA Kyushu
TAA Minami Kyushu
TAA Hiroshima
TAA Shikoku
ARAI Sendai
ARAI Kenki
JU Saitama
JU Shizuoka
JU Nagano
JU Mie
JU Yamaguchi
JU Aomori
JU Fukui
NAA Fukuoka
SAA Sapporo
IPA Tokyo Nyusatsu
ORIX Kobe Nyusatsu
ORIX Fukuoka Nyusatsu
ORIX Sendai Nyusatsu
NPS Tokyo Nyusatsu
NPS Osaka Nyusatsu
NPS Sendai Nyusatsu
NPS Fukuoka Nyusatsu
NPS Tochigi Nyusatsu
NPS Gifu Nyusatsu
NPS Tomakomai Nyusatsu
LUM Nagoya Nyusatsu
LUM Fukuoka Nyusatsu
AEP Nyusatsu
SAKURA Nyusatsu
USS Yokohama
USS-R Nagoya

CAA Chubu
IAA Osaka
LAA Shikoku
KCAA Minami Kyushu
KAA Kyoto
Isuzu Makuhari
IPA Fukuoka Nyusatsu
JU Ibaraki
JU Ishikawa
JU Kumamoto
JU Akita
JU Oita
ORIX Atsugi Nyusatsu
LUM Tokyo Nyusatsu
USS Fukuoka
USS Kobe
USS Niigata
USS Sapporo
USS Tohoku

TAA Kantou
TAA Chubu
TAA Tohoku
TAA Hokkaido
LAA Kansai
KCAA Fukuoka
Kansai Matsubara AA
ARAI Oyama
NAA Nagoya
NAA Osaka
JU Aichi
JU Hiroshima
JU Fukushima
JU Gunma
JU Kanagawa
JU Toyama
JU Miyazaki
ZIP Osaka
SAA Hamamatsu
Isuzu Kyushu
IPA Kobe Nyusatsu
LUM Hokkaido Nyusatsu
LUM Kobe Nyusatsu
ZERO Shonan Nyusatsu
ZERO Shonan Nyusatsu
ZERO Osaka Nyusatsu
USS Tokyo

JU Fukuoka
JU Miyagi
JU Chiba
JU Niigata
JU Tochigi
JU Okinawa
JU Hokkaido
HINO UT&E Hidaka Nyusatsu
HINO UT&E Kobe Nyusatsu
HINO UT&E Hansya Nyusatsu
ARAI Bayside
LAA Okayama
NAA Tokyo
KCAA Yamaguchi
Isuzu Kobe
ZERO Hokkaido Nyusatsu
Zero Sendai Nyusatsu
ZERO Chiba Nyusatsu
ZERO Hakata Nyusatsu
USS Nagoya
USS Osaka
USS Saitama

HAA Kobe
JU Gifu
JU Nara
JU Yamagata
JU Yamanashi
TAA Yokohama
NAA Tokyo Nyusatsu
NAA Nagoya Nyusatsu
NAA Osaka Nyusatsu
USS Gunma
USS Kyushu
USS Okayama
USS Shizuoka
USS Hokuriku

I-Trade Inc. is a direct Global exporter of Japanese construction equipment, agriculture machinery, trucks and other vehicles. Founded in 2013, we have proven successful results of covering requests of our clients from North & South America, Australia, New Zealand, EU, South-East Asia, Africa and Russia. We stand on all business lines - from purchasing till loading and delivery to the port of destination.
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